Selasa, September 27, 2011


My Library

Fikom, faculty of science faculty of communication that was me. In Fikom has several buildings from the start of the main building until the building of students. Library that was the quietest place. Where the library was located in the main building. Although small, our library has many books and quite complete from start dictionaries, history, and others. Starting from the front door until the whole room very clean at all libraries. When entering we were served to store our bags in storage cupboard, then we must fill our guest book to what the library. In addition to the library storage room has a room "POPCRON" and internet room. My library may be different from others because we are not in his search for his own permit book that we seek. But before we will borrow or read library books before we must already have a library card can sign up on the web library Fikom. Before we mention a book we must ensure it exists or not in the computer library containing the book follows the author. After that we mentioned it to the library and by the guards the guards would be on the swatch library. In addition to library books we have wifi facility where we can find your own books on our laptops. In addition we have a room free wifi internet service where we look for books in the virtual world for free, but the computer in the library only a few and only can be used to read books rather than to the other. Well that's my library, clean and comfortable.

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